elease ariana samms
Sep 15, 20172 min read
:: C a n a d a
“To travel is to live.” Once penned by the author, Hans Christian Andersen, eloquently summarizes how life is merely just a collection of...
elease ariana samms
Aug 15, 20172 min read
:: XIX. Grams
It has been a moment since I shared some poetry. Perusing through some of the collections of a handful of poets, in search of piece that...
elease ariana samms
Aug 10, 20173 min read
:: Building HIGH
In a morning devotional, shared by a dear friend of mine, we were gently reminded that, "Our Divine Conductor knows the timing of our...
elease ariana samms
Jul 20, 20172 min read
:: Negro Stairway To Heaven
Keeping this brief and to the point, in a collaborative effort to pay homage to some of the greater gospel songs of the most recent...
elease ariana samms
Jul 5, 20171 min read
:: XVIII. Grams
Something about FREEDOM. And I mean real, true F R E E D O M that brings a strength to overcome everything and anything. Nina Simone...