elease ariana samms
Jul 5, 20152 min read
:: II. Grams
On the second installment of Grams, on the heels of Independence Day, or rather, more importantly, my father's 60th birthday (as of late...
elease ariana samms
May 20, 20152 min read
:: I. Grams
Grams, as this series will be respectfully titled, will be my attempt at incorporating M O R E into my small, budding blog. From media...
elease ariana samms
May 5, 20154 min read
:: April Daze - May Haze
It seems that I've, once again, not held true to my own promises to myself. I may just need to come to terms with the fact that I will...
elease ariana samms
Feb 15, 20153 min read
:: american HISTORY
Swiftly, the end of January ushered in a few noteworthy moments. The first being, my younger brother's, eloquently named, "Jordan Year"...
elease ariana samms
Dec 15, 20142 min read
:: I. Problem
Much like Jack Kerouac said, “One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple.” I, too, have led myself to believe that one...