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:: A r i z o n a

With the end of twenty sixteen quickly approaching, I've come to brutal realization, that I still need to work on being far more active with my budding blog. I started with a bit of momentum, and then, like old, bad, lingering habits, I increasingly, regressed into familiar ways. I hope to be far more involved in the new year, alongside achieve more for myself just beyond the realm of a computer screen. It is long overdue, but I must begin to truly MAKE and PUT myself first for a change. As I'd loved to be more than what I am now and where I am now. It is time to take what is there waiting for me. No more hesitations. Life will not wait for me to wake up and live.

That mini-mantra intro aside, I’d like to share a lovely memory from my first-ever-company trip. With the mission to fly out west to Arizona to visit Holbrook Indian School to study their current campus layout and design (of which I’ll write more on later in separate post), my colleagues and I decided to carve out some moments for sight-seeing. Knowing my memories of Arizona date back to the tender age of stroller-riding, I jumped at the opportunity to extend my stay in the dry state to re-experience and re-view one of the planet's seven wonders: The Grand Canyon. And as it is appropriately described, as a "wonder," my eyes, my mind, my soul found a peace like no other. There is something about being that close to touching the clouds that leads you to believe that God is just one stretch and reach away.

A beauty like no other, I stood in awe and in amazement of His work. The original architect. How could I not appreciate what He left for us to admire. So, that I did. I admired. I filled my eyes and my memories with the precious moments of touching the sky. I, think, in some odd way, I found a little piece of me a top the Grand Canyon. Even more GRAND, was that I could share these moments with my colleague and her beautiful family. What more could I ask for beyond the love and happy-ness that I was engulfed in? Sweet.



And it is with that where I leave this.

:: Post Rationalizing(s)

“Happiness is a choice, a repetitive one.” ― Akilnathan Logeswaran ―

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